Monday, May 16, 2011


Godd I want to throw up...
I want to feel that rush of every thing going away just like that,
All the pain, stress, anxiety... Just gone with my food
But I'm scared, those drops of blood coming from my throat, what if they mean something?
Well, it was just the one time that it happened
So I'm fine.. Right?
What do I do?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ooh I forgot how good throwing up feels...
I know this is bad for me, but I can't help it
It just felt so good


Have you ever done something, knowing it was bad, and when it's over you promise yourself you'll never do it again, but after a while... You miss it, and you wonder why you didn't do it?
I miss starving myself... I miss throwing up... I miss everything.
I miss that satisfaction I got from feeling hungry.
Every body thinks I'm better now, so there's no suspicion if I start again
Plus, I will feel so much better, with all this stress and everything, its exactly what I need
I can't sit with my real friends at lunch because I'm embarrassed to eat in front of them,
If I start starving again, I can be with them...
Atm it feels like this will make me so much happier
The only problem is I still haven't been 100% which means that I could possibly pass out again, and every one will get suspicious again... So what do I do?